Online Flat Fee Tennessee Real Estate Referral Brokerage Company

No more
association fees

paying association
Join NOW and stop
fees TODAY !
Tennessee's Premier
Association Free
Real Estate Brokerage

Avoid ALL Real Estate Association Fees.
Park your Tennessee Real Estate License with our Flat Fee Online
Real Estate Brokerage Company !
Are you tired of paying NAR, TR and local Board dues every
year ? Then discover real estate's future, CURB Realty.
When you hang your license with CURB, you avoid paying ALL the expensive association dues and fees and still be fully active !
Only $39 a month, ..No hidden fees, no gimmicks.
CURB is no different from the brokerage you're with now. You have
a full service professional support staff behind you providing exactly
the same services you would get from any real estate company,
including; Training, For Sale Signs, Transaction Coordinators,
In-house Loan Broker, In-house Escrow Service and an awesome Broker you can call anytime to answer your questions. The only difference is, no parking lot, and no more NAR, TR and local
board association dues / fees !

Park Your Tennessee Real Estate License Today !
• Want to sell commercial and not join any Boards / Associations ?
• Want to do referrals and not join any Boards / Associations ?
• Want to keep your license with a Broker and not join any Boards / Associations ?
Then CURB® is where you need to be !
Online Tennessee Real Estate License Parking Company

Do what over 200 other California CURB agents have already done and join real estate's future. Stop paying all board association fees / dues with one phone call. Call us now or sign up online. Stop feeding the monster and start saving your money today !